Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some Pictures to Catch Up

We have been so busy, and away from internet access that I am way behind in sharing pictures of all of our activities.  So, here goes.....

This is the truck we went in on our tour of the game reserve.  Just like a real safari!


The whole crew!  We saw a lot of different animals and had a marvelous tour of the reserve!

A very unusual looking locust!  We got a very up close view on our hike to the bushman cave paintings!

This is at the castle...I don't know who the people are, but we had a great time at the real live castle.

Cederberg Wilderness and the amazing rock formations.

Bushman cave paintings....

Marian, Harper and Cormac

The cute little huisie (house) we stayed in at the Cederberg.

Finally, we saw a baboon by the side of the road!  Cormac was so excited!

Tomorrow is Stellenbosch (the Cape's oldest wine region) so more to follow!

Christmas Day and Cederberg Wilderness

We had a wonderful Christmas Day that started with opening pressies at Brett and Elske's house.  They also served us tea and Christmas cake and mince pies to share their family traditions with us.  The three children had a wonderful time, as did all of the parents and wawas (grandma's) watching them!  Then, we went to a Christmas lunch with the extended Rightford family and many of their friends.  I think there were 42 people there in all!  They were very welcoming to our international group!  All in all, a nice, relaxing day.

The next day we left for the Cederberg Wilderness which is about 3 hours drive from Wellington.  It is an area of very red rocky landscapes much like you might see in Arizona or New Mexico.  The rock formations were really amazing and beautiful!  There was a small river we could swim in to cool off during the day, as it was pretty warm....probably 95 degrees or so.  The cabin we stayed in was once again the oldest building on the winery!  We seem to get the older houses which I love, as I enjoy the history of the place.  This house had traditional Dutch doors, and a thatched roof which made it interesting.  Also, all of the doorways were very small!  I felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland down the rabbit hole!!  Each evening we had a braai, drank wine, and talked until the stars were out.  Because we were so far from much civilization, the stars were really numerous and bright.  I was wishing I knew more about Southern Hemisphere constellations!  Orion was high in the sky though, so at least I knew that one.

I really enjoyed the opportunity to take a trip that was off the beaten path, so to speak.   We had to drive about 30 miles on gravel roads to get there.  The rental car may be a little the worse for wear.  It certainly needs a car wash, for sure!  But, I was glad to get to see a different side to South Africa than some tourists get the chance to.  It is nice Brett and Elske are sharing some of their favorite places with us.

After two nights up there, we drove home today, and were so hot that we went directly to the pool! I haven't had the chance to download pictures, as I need Cormac's camera to do it...long story....but, will send another post this evening and include some pictures this time.  I had tried to send a short video of the game trip, but it took too long to download, so I will have to try again.

Til next time....

Friday, December 24, 2010

Game Reserve Trip and Castle

Thursday afternoon we drove a short distance from the wine farm where we are staying, and had the opportunity to have a tour of a game reserve on a real safari land rover vehicle (just like in the movies!)  We saw a lot of wild game, but in this area of Africa there aren't a lot of the big five (lion, giraffe, elephant, wildebeest and zebra).  We saw lots of eland, springboks, some wildebeest, some zebra from a near extinct line, lots of birds, and a fox that looked like a big squirrel with big ears!  It was really a wonderful trip with beautiful scenery.  Quite the adventure!

Today we made another trip into Cape Town and went to the Castle which was built in the 1600's by the earliest Dutch settlers.  It was really interesting with lots of plaques to read!  Cormac really wanted to see the dungeon, and there was even a torture chamber!  The castle was complete with a moat....with water in it!

After our time at he Castle, we went to Green Market in downtown Cape Town where they sell lots of local goods...kind of like a flea market in the States.  You need to be good at bargaining (which I am not!), but I did pick up a few things to bring home.  Before we headed back to the farm, we drove to the area where Marian lived in Cape Town and saw her old house, which was nice.  It was good to see where she spent time growing up.

Now I am late to attend another braai by the pool!

Merry Christmas to everyone...I miss you all!

Game Reserve Trip and Castle

Thursday afternoon we drove a short distance from the wine farm where we are staying, and had the opportunity to have a tour of a game reserve on a real safari land rover vehicle (just like in the movies!)  We saw a lot of wild game, but in this area of Africa there aren't a lot of the big five (lion, giraffe, elephant, wildebeest and zebra).  We saw lots of eland, springboks, some wildebeest, some zebra from a near extinct line, lots of birds, and a fox that looked like a big squirrel with big ears!  It was really a wonderful trip with beautiful scenery.  Quite the adventure!

Today we made another trip into Cape Town and went to the Castle which was built in the 1600's by the earliest Dutch settlers.  It was really interesting with lots of plaques to read!  Cormac really wanted to see the dungeon, and there was even a torture chamber!  The castle was complete with a moat....with water in it!

After our time at he Castle, we went to Green Market in downtown Cape Town where they sell lots of local goods...kind of like a flea market in the States.  You need to be good at bargaining (which I am not!), but I did pick up a few things to bring home.  Before we headed back to the farm, we drove to the area where Marian lived in Cape Town and saw her old house, which was nice.  It was good to see where she spent time growing up.

Now I am late to attend another braai by the pool!

Merry Christmas to everyone...I miss you all!

Game Reserve Trip and Castle

Thursday afternoon we drove a short distance from the wine farm where we are staying, and had the opportunity to have a tour of a game reserve on a real safari land rover vehicle (just like in the movies!)  We saw a lot of wild game, but in this area of Africa there aren't a lot of the big five (lion, giraffe, elephant, wildebeest and zebra).  We saw lots of eland, springboks, some wildebeest, some zebra from a near extinct line, lots of birds, and a fox that looked like a big squirrel with big ears!  It was really a wonderful trip with beautiful scenery.  Quite the adventure!

Today we made another trip into Cape Town and went to the Castle which was built in the 1600's by the earliest Dutch settlers.  It was really interesting with lots of plaques to read!  Cormac really wanted to see the dungeon, and there was even a torture chamber!  The castle was complete with a moat....with water in it!

After our time at he Castle, we went to Green Market in downtown Cape Town where they sell lots of local goods...kind of like a flea market in the States.  You need to be good at bargaining (which I am not!), but I did pick up a few things to bring home.  Before we headed back to the farm, we drove to the area where Marian lived in Cape Town and saw her old house, which was nice.  It was good to see where she spent time growing up.

Now I am late to attend another braai by the pool!

Merry Christmas to everyone...I miss you all!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Robben Island

Yesterday we spent most of the day on Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for many years during the time of change when the ANC was working towards equal rights and representation in government.  Reminded me some of the struggles America went through first for independence from Great Britain, and then during the push for civil rights in the 60's.  There are many similarities.  All in all it was a really nice day and great experience.  Our tour guide was very passionate about the struggle for freedom and his part in it, and I learned a lot about the history of that time.  You know me and history!  I am reading every plaque I see!

Today we are heading out to a game farm.  I am not sure that we will see the big five as they call them here, but it should be interesting to be out in the country seeing some of the wildlife.  A lot of our days have been spent in Cape Town, and I think Brust is a little tired of driving down there every day!  Hopefully, I will get some good pictures to share.

Braai (BBQ) at Tony and Ian's house on the winery.  First night in town and many, many bottles of wine.

 View from the bottom of Table Mountain (in Cape Town, and a World Heritage Site)

View from the top of Table Mountain (1,026 meters) looking down at Clark's Bay

We took a tram trolley to the top, Brett, Brust, Greig, and his girlfriend Antonia climbed up the side.

Tram Trolley going up

Cormac and Harper lounging by the pool in our rare spare time.  Brett keeps us busy!

Nelson Mandela's cell on Robben Island, where he was imprisoned.  Twenty seven years of imprisonment and 13(?) in this cell.  His last "prison" was a two bedroom cottage with a kitchen and a swimming pool.  This was when he was in peace talks with DeKlerk and the last of the apartheid government.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Three Busy Days!

Fortunately, we got out of London just before the bigger storm hit.  There was snow on the ground when we left! From what we understand, there were lots of delays after we left!  
We arrived in Cape Town about 1030 am Cape Time, and have been busy ever since!  After getting settled in our Cape Dutch cottage on the wine estate that Marian's brother manages, we were given a royal South African welcome with lots of braai and many, many bottles of wine being consumed.  I have a picture but haven't figured how to download it yet as I forgot the cable for my camera!  Once I get that figured out, I will post several pictures. 
The next day we went back into Cape Town and spent some time and money on the waterfront and had fish and chips at a bay view pub.  Yesterday we went up Table Mountain on a cable car.  It was a fabulous view of the entire cape area, bays and beaches.  Brust, Brett, and Greig hiked up which was quite a feat!  It took them three hours, and were ready for a beer at the top.  Again, I have some great pictures once I get them off my camera!  Then, we drove around to the south side of the cape, had fish and chips again!  and saw lots of beautiful scenery before heading back home.  
After four days of pretty constant travel, we are pretty tired, so today has been a resting day, doing laundry, sitting by the pool, and we are hosting a braai later today.  There is lots of SA "family" here so, every event is a big event!
I am really sorry that I haven't had a chance to post anything for three days, but we have been so busy and it took us awhile to get the passwords for internet connections.  I love hearing from any of you who are following.  I would love to know what is going on at home, too!  I will be able to check email and things a little easier now.
Til later...love you all:)

Friday, December 17, 2010

First stamp in the passport!

Our flight from DC was delayed almost 3 hours due to weather and de icing, etc.  After a long night, we got in London about 9:30 London time.  We did have a very long layover planned so we could go into the city and do some things, but with the late arrival here and two very tired kids, we opted for resting and making it a lazy catch up on rest time.  Also, it has snowed some here all day, too.  We will leave for Capetown about 8:30 pm and arrive there tomorrow morning about 10:00.  So, we will be returning to the airport soon, I'm sure.  Everything and every line seems to take a long time to get through...probably Christmas travel, weather, and international delays.  Anyway, the big news for the day is that I have the first stamp in my passport!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow in Arlington!

After a very lazy day yesterday, we have snow in Arlington today!  It was quite cold yesterday with a high of about 31 or so, and this morning it started to snow:)  Harper and I raked leaves and had some fun outside  yesterday, and we were generally lazy all day...today we played in the snow a bit, and we are getting things together for our trip to the airport later this afternoon.  So far, flights are only slightly delayed at Dulles, so we are hopeful that we will make it out tonight and be in London by morning.  Our flight is scheduled to leave about 7 EST.  If I get this figured out, there should be a little video of Harper in the snow attached to this post:)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stopover at Brust's in Virginia

  Arrived at DCA at 4pm.  My extraordinarily good looking son picked me up from the airport with his two moderately (give them time) good looking children.  We saw some of the sights from the road on the way home from the airport and had a great dinner before putting them all to bed.  Engage time-zone fun.