Friday, December 17, 2010

First stamp in the passport!

Our flight from DC was delayed almost 3 hours due to weather and de icing, etc.  After a long night, we got in London about 9:30 London time.  We did have a very long layover planned so we could go into the city and do some things, but with the late arrival here and two very tired kids, we opted for resting and making it a lazy catch up on rest time.  Also, it has snowed some here all day, too.  We will leave for Capetown about 8:30 pm and arrive there tomorrow morning about 10:00.  So, we will be returning to the airport soon, I'm sure.  Everything and every line seems to take a long time to get through...probably Christmas travel, weather, and international delays.  Anyway, the big news for the day is that I have the first stamp in my passport!


  1. Congratulations! May this be the first passport stamp of many to come! Love, Lynn

  2. Ok really, its been 3 days since you did anything? Come on! Updates!

  3. Okay, did you make it out of London?? All we are hearing over here is that the airport is shut down! I'm guessing you did since we haven't heard from you... but come on already! it's been 3 days!
