Friday, December 24, 2010

Game Reserve Trip and Castle

Thursday afternoon we drove a short distance from the wine farm where we are staying, and had the opportunity to have a tour of a game reserve on a real safari land rover vehicle (just like in the movies!)  We saw a lot of wild game, but in this area of Africa there aren't a lot of the big five (lion, giraffe, elephant, wildebeest and zebra).  We saw lots of eland, springboks, some wildebeest, some zebra from a near extinct line, lots of birds, and a fox that looked like a big squirrel with big ears!  It was really a wonderful trip with beautiful scenery.  Quite the adventure!

Today we made another trip into Cape Town and went to the Castle which was built in the 1600's by the earliest Dutch settlers.  It was really interesting with lots of plaques to read!  Cormac really wanted to see the dungeon, and there was even a torture chamber!  The castle was complete with a moat....with water in it!

After our time at he Castle, we went to Green Market in downtown Cape Town where they sell lots of local goods...kind of like a flea market in the States.  You need to be good at bargaining (which I am not!), but I did pick up a few things to bring home.  Before we headed back to the farm, we drove to the area where Marian lived in Cape Town and saw her old house, which was nice.  It was good to see where she spent time growing up.

Now I am late to attend another braai by the pool!

Merry Christmas to everyone...I miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. sounds fun! We are hoping to connect with you soon.. we could try to connect tonight if you'd like... I'll try to stay logged into facebook so you can instant message me as you get reliable service.
